It is proposed that fundamental matter particles (FMPs) are constructed of electric potentials rotating around each other at the local speed of light in an unknown screw-like geometry. There are two major forms, positive and negative. The Aether velocity of an FMP is determined by the degree of screw geometry. The internal electric potentials of an FMP are modified by the super-position of the ambient electric potential. An ambient gradient modifies the degree of screw geometry at a rate proportional to the gradient, thus causing acceleration
It is hypothesized that a fundamental mass particle (FMP) is constructed of highly elevated electric potentials which rotate round in some unknown form of compact three dimensional geometry of minute dimensions. These electric potentials, moving at the local speed of light, may be in the form of waves.
One effect is to create a constant elevated electric potential at a set distance around the FMP, which may be either positive or negative. This effect we call charge.
The geometry of the rotating wave group is hypothesized to be assymetric (in some manner) in a particular direction such that the assymetry acts to screw the FMP through the Aether in the direction of the assymetry at a fraction of the speed of light as determined by the degree of screw assymetry.
Thus the Aether velocity of an FMP (and therefore also of bulk matter) is precisely determined by its particular geometry.
It is the case that the ambient electric potential super-positions upon the internal electric potentials of the FMP. It is proposed that the ambient electric gradient unbalances the internal potentials and hence changes the degree of screw assymetry of the FMP in the direction of the gradient.
The change to the screw geometry is cumulative over time.
As a change in screw geometry relates directly to a change in Aether velocity the FMP is caused to accelerate at a rate and direction determined by the degree and direction of the ambient gradient.
It is shown in the paper Gravity in Aether Physics that a gradient of gravitational potential bends a crossing light ray. It is proposed that the paths of the moving internal potentials of an FMP are similarly bent. This bending also modifies the screw geometry and hence the velocity of the FM, but the effect is very small relative to the electric effect. The gravitational effect is only observable where the body is electrically neutral, eg. as in atomic matter. See the above mentioned paper.
The inertial mass of an FMP (ie. the degree of acceleration imposed by a unit potential gradient) is not fixed but depends upon the Aether velocity of the FMP. The Lorentz Transform equation for mass shows that the inertial mass increases with Aether velocity. Presumably this happens because it is physically more difficult to further increase the degree of screw assymetry the greater the current degree.
Because the internal constituents of FMPs (and hence of all matter) are expected to move at the local speed of light it follows that time is analagous to Aether distance moved throughout the Universe.
Time is therefore not a separate dimension.
The essence of time lies within the propagation velocity of the Aether.
Nevertheless, for matter systems Time is a little different. Matter systems may be considered to be stationary in their own theoretical inertial reference frame (IRF). As matter moves through the Aether the speed of light in one direction through the IRF is therefore different to the opposite direction.
It is the case in matter systems that the time equivalent distance travelled by a light ray must be an out and return journey.
With this proviso, coupled with the Fitzgerald-Lorentz contraction effect, it is then the case that Time within an IRF is independent of direction--as it must be.
The rate of passage of Time in an IRF is therefore different to that in the Aether; the ratio being given by the Lorenz Transform Equation for time.
Without a Time dimension the Aether has just three distance dimensions.
This point alone makes the General Theory of Relativity (Einstein's theory of gravity) incompatible with Aether theory.
The velocity of matter through the Aether is determined by the particular geometry of the each FMP.
Modern physics cannot explain the cause of velocity.